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Monthly Archives: February 2019

Retinitis Pigmentosa Awareness Month

It feels weird to acknowledge this month because my RP is progressing slowly. I can see much better than those who are in the later stages of the disorder, and I only have one or two truly bad eye days a month. I’m incredibly thankful for that and thank God for it often. Even though I don’t currently struggle with extreme vision loss, plenty of people are dealing with the effects of RP every day. It’s a scary disorder, knowing that more than likely you will lose most of your vision but not knowing…

The LORD is faithful

Does a thought that you just can’t shake ever enter your mind? You may have moved on from it, but something happens around you that reminds you of it and brings it back to the surface, like a catchy song. For the past six months or so, the unshakable thought for me is God’s faithfulness. A few Bible verses I read and a few songs I heard have kept this theme at the forefront of my mind. God is faithful. I’ve known that truth since I was young, but my actions haven’t…