Church,  Faith

The LORD is faithful

Does a thought that you just can’t shake ever enter your mind? You may have moved on from it, but something happens around you that reminds you of it and brings it back to the surface, like a catchy song.

For the past six months or so, the unshakable thought for me is God’s faithfulness. A few Bible verses I read and a few songs I heard have kept this theme at the forefront of my mind.

God is faithful.

I’ve known that truth since I was young, but my actions haven’t always proved that I believed it. In my mind, if something doesn’t have at least two contingency plans, then the plans are not complete. I think God laughed as I wrote that. He doesn’t need my charts, timelines, scenarios, or lists to work out His plans, but I act as if He does.

While obedience can be difficult when God calls us to do things without giving us all the details, we can rest assured that He will be faithful to fulfill all His promises. Here are just a few of them:

  • God will give us wisdom if we ask for it. (James 1:5)
  • God will provide a way out when we’re tempted. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
  • Jesus is coming back. (Revelation 22:12-13)

But then there’s this one: “… if we are faithless, he remains faithful — for He cannot deny himself” (2 Timothy 2:13).

I struggle with this promise because it makes no sense. We can let our faith wane and choose to do things our way, but God will remain true to His promises. He’ll keep on loving us. He’ll keep on bringing us back when we turn to Him. What kind of a God would do that?

The faithful kind. The loving kind. The kind who has been pursuing the heart of humanity ever since Eden. We were God’s very good creation, and when we messed it up, He had every right to turn away. Yet, He didn’t. He began the beautiful pursuit that continues today.

God’s pursuit of me overwhelms me. I know that I’m unworthy of it, and I know that I fail God daily. He is faithful to provide a way out of temptation, but I choose to do things my way. He is faithful to give wisdom, but I don’t always ask for it. He is faithful when I am not. His mercy and grace are far-reaching, and they make me want to live a life of worship.

I don’t know what the future holds for me, and while I’m tempted to worry about that from time to time, I know with all certainty that everything I face is under the authority of God. The good things and the bad things are all in His hands, and I trust Him to work out His plans in my life. And while I will stumble along the way, my prayer is that He corrects my path and strengthens my faith despite my shortcomings. I pray that I continue to grow in my walk with Christ and point others to Him, to the one who is faithful to all.